Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of business progressed through Committee meetings which have met since the last Authority Meeting.
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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 27 June 2024
Date : 27 June 2024
Location : Caledonian Suite, COSLA, Verity House, 19 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh, EH12 5BH
Resources Committee
Main Items of Business
Financial Monitoring and planning and oversight
o Financial Monitoring Report P1 2024/25
o Unaudited Year End Outturn 2023/24
o Scheme of Delegation Approvals Report
o Chief Officer Relocation Costs Assurance Report
Transformational Benefits Tracker – Year End Report
o Estates Continuous Improvement Initiatives Update and Next Steps
o Annual Estates Scheme of Delegation Approvals Report
Business Case Scrutiny
o Cyber Security Initial Business Case (IBC)
o National Law Enforcement Data System Change request (NLEDS)
o End Project Reports Custody Remodelling and Productions Remodelling
o Body Worn Video update – Verbal
Procurement and Contract Awards
o Procurement Performance Report
o Contract Award x 3 and Non-Competitive Action x 1
Key Issues Raised
Financial Reporting
The period one Finance Report provided an early update on budget progress including the requested capital spend status.
Members expressed concern over the deliverability of the Capital Programme and requested regular committee reporting of the milestones and progress towards delivery of the capital budget in year, showing any slippage.
Members agreed that delays caused by the additional Accountable Officer (AO) template process for any new contract over £1m were an issue. A request was made for the Chief Executive to write to Scottish Government outlining the financial and operational impact of this process, highlighting the Authority’s concerns.
Members commended the work to deliver a balanced budget as reported in the unaudited outturn for 2023/24 despite significant challenges earlier in the financial year. Key lessons have been learned and will inform future budget planning and monitoring.
The Committee welcomed an update that work is ongoing to produce a revised and more accessible benefits monitoring report which is aligned to the Revised Model of Policing. Police Scotland committed to giving the Committee early sight of the draft refreshed reporting documents. Given this is a long-standing request from the Committee, Members asked that the work to develop reporting continues at pace.
Body Worn Video (BWV)
A verbal update on progress was provided which highlighted implementation challenges related to the supporting IT infrastructure and interface between BWV and other software. An updated roll out plan is being developed over the coming weeks and options to expedite timelines are being explored.
Police Scotland is still confident that the BWV capital budget will be fully spent in year. The project risk register captures this and other risks. The Committee considers this to be a key project for Police Scotland and requested updates on progress at every Resources Committee.
Members considered an update on the recent activity and progress made on the Estates Improvement Plan. Assurance was provided that robust engagement would be conducted and this will include officers, staff, stakeholders, partners and the wider public.
Contract Awards
The Committee approved three contract awards and recommended a Non-Competitive Action to Scottish Government for approval.
Business Case Oversight
Cyber Resilience Initial Business Case (IBC)
The Committee considered the progress made in recent years on cyber projects and the interaction between this business case and other digital projects. Members also tested the rational for the preferred option and the lessons learned from other public sector bodies. Members explored the lack of recent investment in business-as-usual ICT spend. The IBC was approved and the Full Business Case is expected to be complete by early 2025.
NLEDS – Change Request
Police Scotland explained the additional costs the Home Office are charging to implement the project. Members explored how this situation arose and how any similar funding confusion could be avoided in the future. The Committee was assured steps would be taken to mitigate against any similar issues and the request was approved. Members were interested to hear how the limited implementation of the new system to date was resulting in very positive feedback from users.
End Project Reviews – Custody Remodelling and Productions Remodelling
Both projects commenced several years ago. The original aims of these projects have been superseded. Police Scotland are now focused on a new service model for Custody and are focused on making Productions digital. Due to these changes Police Scotland wish to close these projects which will be replaced with new projects.
Senior Officer Relocation
The Committee considered a report that provided assurances that robust internal controls and governance in relation to Chief Officer Relocation continue to be in place.
Conclusions/ Actions Reached
- SPA Chief Executive to write to Scottish Government to highlight the impacts of delays from the additional approval process for new Business Cases over £1 Million, and to request a review of the process.
- August Committee to consider a deep dive into the profile of the 2024/25 Capital and Reform spend and this will include details of the key milestones and contingency plans.
- A development session required for Committee members to consider and provide feedback on a draft of the refreshed benefits reporting report.
- Additional reporting to come to next committee that provides an understanding of the difference between Digital funding requirements and actual spend on Digital projects.