Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of business progressed through Committee meetings which have met since the last Authority Meeting.
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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 27 June 2024
Date : 27 June 2024
Location : Caledonian Suite, COSLA, Verity House, 19 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh, EH12 5BH
Policing Together Oversight Group
• Policing Together Vision Refresh
• Sexism & Tackling Misogyny Update
• Performance Dashboard
Members of the Oversight Group considered updates on work which, following the merger of the Partnerships, Preventions and Community Wellbeing (PPCW) and Policing Together portfolios, will contribute to the refreshed Policing Together vision. The aim is to retain the core focus of the original vision but to expand to include more of a service delivery emphasis.
Members were supportive of the refresh and welcomed the planned internal and external engagement and look forward to a more comprehensive update on engagement activity at the next Oversight Group meeting in August.
The draft vision states that ‘Police Scotland is welcoming, inclusive and representative of the communities we serve. We will create an environment that lets our people know that they belong and can fully be themselves. We expect our people to demonstrate our values in the delivery of the highest standard of service to every person who requires the service of Police Scotland, whether directly or indirectly.’
A comprehensive update was provided on the progress of the critical work underway to tackle sexism and misogyny. Despite falling outside Police Scotland’s Policing Together portfolio, the Sex Equality and Tackling Misogyny (SETM) initiative is within the scope of this Oversight Group and Members were encouraged by the wide-reaching nature of the activity and the willingness by Police Scotland to consider any areas in which improvements may be possible.
An update provided assurance that performance reporting continues to develop in a way that will soon allow this Oversight Group to consider evidence-based assessments of impact of Policing Together activity and a suite of metrics that demonstrate improvement for officers, staff and the public.
• The Group is encouraged by the maturing performance data however still require further clarity on how this data will shape the priority pieces of work for the Policing Together programme and furthermore, what those priorities will be.
• Discussion is required to explore what data should feature in a suite of high-level measures that will provide the necessary assurance to the Authority in respect of evidence of impact and progress.
• Workshop session to be arranged that will be an opportunity for further discussion and exploration of what can and what cannot be progressed for probationer recruitment to make it flexible and more accessible. Discussion is also required to understand analysis of trends seen in Flexible Working Applications.