Impact of drug driving legislation
Changes to the Road Traffic Act 1988 were enacted in Scotland on 21 October 2019. The new legislation has meant a significant increase in demand for the SPA Forensic Services team, who are responsible for testing and analysis of all related blood samples, and for reporting back to Police Scotland and the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service.
Find out more about Impact of drug driving legislation
Oversight and Progress
The Authority’s Forensic Services Committee, chaired by Paul Edie (pictured), oversees and monitors delivery of all forensic service provision. With the changes in drug driving legislation causing challenges for the Forensics team, the committee stepped up its oversight and scrutiny of key areas.
Find out more about Oversight and Progress
HMICS thematic review
The HMICS (His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland) review of SPA Forensic Toxicology Provision was carried out in 2022 on request of Authority members, to seek an independent review and assurance on the response that has been taken to recent challenges for the service.
Find out more about HMICS Thematic Review