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Mental Health

Police Scotland is increasingly providing support to people experiencing mental health distress, both by responding directly to calls for service and by safeguarding people in its care. In fact, of all the calls that the police receive, fewer than 20% result in a crime being recorded. Meeting these growing societal needs is increasingly testing the capacity and capability of the police service, challenging the existing level of resourcing and skillsets within policing at a time if increasing and significant financial pressures. These increasing demands add to the ongoing national discourse about how society better promotes positive mental health and wellbeing, helps people effectively in times of mental health distress, and how public services across the Whole System work together more seamlessly to deliver better outcomes for people.

Mental Health and Vulnerability

Many people who come into contact with the criminal justice system may suffer from poor mental health. Mental health demand has therefore been the subject of a range of Authority discussions and members’ seminars over recent years, as well as a partner event convened in December 2022 with a focus on mental health, vulnerability and policing.

Find out more about Mental Health and Vulnerability

HMICS thematic review

His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) undertook a thematic review of policing Mental Health in Scotland, with the final report published in October 2023. This review assessed the state, efficiency, and effectiveness of Police Scotland’s provision of mental health related policing services, and made a number of recommendations for Police Scotland and partner organisations.

Find out more about HMICS thematic review