Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of business progressed through Committee meetings which have met since the last Authority Meeting.
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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 27 June 2024
Date : 27 June 2024
Location : Caledonian Suite, COSLA, Verity House, 19 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh, EH12 5BH
Policing Performance Committee
Main items of business
• Policing Performance Reporting
• Oversight of Improvement in Policing
• Oversight of Operational Policing Matters
Policing Performance Reporting
• The Performance Report was discussed at length with the first hour of the meeting dedicated to the Q4 Report. Areas of focus for Committee oversight and scrutiny included proportionate use of taser on young & vulnerable people, use of funds generated from Proceeds of Crime Act to improve policing outcomes in Scotland, training of Officers and Staff and the reasons for the increase in both youth violence and stop & search incidents.
• It was requested that the Q1 Report provides additional narrative to explain the reason for an increase in youth violence and that it articulates the actions taken to work with Partners to reduce this type of crime.
• The Committee expressed disappointment that, despite previous assurances in respect of the timelines, the Annual Police Plan – 2024/25 Milestones and Deliverables paper was not ready to be considered at this meeting. It was agreed that a report will be provided to Members in July 2024 and that this information will be publicly available on the SPA website.
• The Committee endorsed the Chief Constable's Annual Assessment.
• Members considered the Independent Custody Visitor’s Scheme of Scotland Annual Report. The Committee heard from a volunteer and thanked him and all volunteers for their invaluable work.
• The Committee considered a report on the key findings and insights gained from Authority commissioned independent public polling. Members highlighted the value of this work as it will be used to inform the future of Policing in Scotland.
• A verbal update from Cllr Maureen Chalmers, COSLA Spokesperson for Community Wellbeing, included an update on the COSLA Police Scrutiny Convenor’s forum that took place on 31 May 2024 and an update on the Equally Safe Strategy.
Oversight of Improvement in Policing
• Members received an update on the work underway across the policing system and with partners, in relation to mental health distress, vulnerability and policing. The Committee agreed that training in this area was significant and it was noted that training materials are currently being reviewed to ensure they are fit for purpose.
• Members welcomed the new format of the update report for HMICS Inspections Improvement Plans. Members sought and received assurance that any changes to timescales and the risk areas involved are discussed with HMICS to ensure transparency.
• The Committee received an update from the Scottish Biometrics Commissioner, Dr Brian Plastow, which highlighted that Police Scotland have made good progress in addressing the four recommendations provided to them in March 2023. Members were advised that the joint Biometrics Strategy between Police Scotland and SPA Forensic Services is targeted to be in place by early October 2024. The Committee look forward to hearing the outcome of the Biometrics Conference on 19 June 2024, especially in relation to facial recognition.
• Members considered updates on the Criminal Justice Improvement Plan. The Committee sought and received assurance from Police Scotland regarding their confidence to deliver the Improvement Plan. Members agreed with Police Scotland about the importance of partnership working due to the many interdependencies across this work.
Oversight of Operational Policing Matters
• The Committee were updated on the phased national rollout of Proportionate Response to Crime. Members noted the progress and asked that a further update be provided that includes details of user experience and the use of capacity created within divisions.
• Members considered an update on the Air Support Plan. The Committee requested that Police Scotland return to the PPC with an update on the Air Support Plan in 6-12 months. Assurances were provided that work by Police Scotland to enhance their air support capability over the coming years continues and that expansion of air support will be proportionate and be cognisant of ethics.
• Police Scotland provided an update on the PREVENT Duty and Assurance. Members welcomed the update and requested that PREVENT key statistics for national publication are shared with the PPC as part of an annual report. The Committee were also assured that the work of Police Scotland in this area of activity has clear plans and a framework in place to engage with suitable individuals in society.
Conclusions Reached
Publicly available paper detailing the Milestones & Deliverables in relation to the 2024/25 Annual Police Plan to be provided to Members before the end of July 2024.
Next iteration of the performance Report (Q1) to provide more robust assurances in respect of: Proceeds of Crime, further understanding of reasons for increase in youth violence and assurances in respect of the steps taken with partners to reduce this type of crime. Building on the recognised improvements in the Q4 Report, Police Scotland’s performance reporting will continue to develop focusing on evidencing work to build public trust, confidence and which is understanding of the challenges facing Police Scotland and the prioritised actions being taken forward to address these.
Future Committee to consider updates on the roll out of Proportionate Response to Crime, the implementation of the Air Support Plan and an annual report in relation to PREVENT delivery.
The Committee endorsed Chief Constables Annual assessment of Policing 2023/24.