Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of business progressed through Committee meetings which have met since the last Authority Meeting.
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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 27 June 2024
Date : 27 June 2024
Location : Caledonian Suite, COSLA, Verity House, 19 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh, EH12 5BH
Complaints and Conduct Committee
• Police Scotland PSD Annual Performance Report
• SPA Annual Report
• PIRC Annual Report on PS Handling of Complaints and Investigation Referrals
• Police Scotland Professional Boundaries
• HMICS Assurance Review of Vetting – Action Plan
Independent Review of Complaints Handling, Investigations and
Misconduct Issues in Relation to Policing
Members are pleased to advise, that the committee agreed the closure of one outstanding recommendation. It is anticipated that the final recommendation will be closed at our next meeting in September 2024.
Police Scotland PSD Annual Performance Report
Members were provided with statistical information on the overarching performance activity in relation to complaints and conduct matters about members of Police Scotland for period (1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024). Members welcomed the deep dive into the race category and were updated on work being done with all staff associations, including diversity associations, to breakdown some barriers, gain understanding around impactful factors and learn from each other. The committee with be updated within future reports around engagement with diversity staff associations in relation to discriminatory behaviour allegations and resulting learning. In addition, members have requested that future performance reports include complaints relating to Stop and Search data. The committee also received a brief update on complaints received into PSD following the recent introduction of the Public Order Hate Crime Act and were assured that this is being well managed through a joined-up approach with other portfolio areas around the use of the legislation.
SPA Annual Report
Members updated on the work and membership of the National Complaints Handling Group (NCHDG) and will welcome further updates in due course.
PIRC Annual Report on PS Handling of Complaints and Investigation Referrals
Members welcomed a report noting information in relation to PIRC Complaint Handling Reviews and Investigation Referrals. Members sought assurance on what the CHR statistics tell the committee about the operational efficiency of the PS Complaint Handling Process and whether there are any concerns. Members were assured by the PIRC that coordinated and regular training for complaint handlers will show an improvement and allow them to fully understand the PIRC Statutory Guidance. Members have also requested early sight of the joint audit ahead of the next committee. PIRC have also committed to ensuring that future reports clearly highlight Police Scotland’s response to all PIRC recommendations.
Police Scotland Professional Boundaries
Members welcomed a report relating to ongoing activity within Professional Boundaries which noted recommendations and how longer-term actions linked into other pieces of work. Members were advised that there are three outstanding recommendations from the previous review and have committed to update the committee on them and the domestic review that was carried out and this will provide a fuller picture from a public confidence perspective. Police Scotland are also going to give some consideration to the nature of contact with complainants, including whether they can be notified around the handling of their complaints if appropriate.
HMICS Assurance Review of Vetting – Action Plan
Members welcomed a report with Police Scotland’s Improvement Plan to address the recommendations contained within the recent HMICS Assurance review of vetting policy and procedures within Police Scotland report, published on 03 October 2023. HMICS attended the meeting and advised that they are pleased with the work that has been taken forward by PS and appreciate the magnitude of some of the recommendations, however, will stand by the importance of recommendations in terms of public confidence.
• Police Scotland Conduct Report
• Police Scotland Ongoing Non-Criminal Complaints
• SPA Ongoing Complaints Update
Members agreed the need for Police Scotland to consider a critical assessment on current complaint categorisation types, approach to triage, including cases suitable to Front Line Resolution, any known issues and scope for improvement.
Members agreed that future Police Scotland Performance Reports specifically highlight/include the following:
• Engagement with diversity and all staff associations in relation to discriminatory behaviour allegations and resulting learning.
• Information on discriminatory allegations upheld and results of further analysis of those divisions identified as primary drivers of increases.
Members agreed that future Police Scotland Performance Reports should include complaints in relation to Stop and Search data.
Members agreed that PIRC provide members with early sight of the joint audit ahead of the next committee.
Members agreed that PIRC will consider and revise how that responses to recommendations could be presented within future reports.
Members agreed that Police Scotland should consider a more detailed private report on domestic review findings.
Members agreed that Police Scotland should consider the nature of contact with complainants, including whether they can be notified around the handling of their complaints if appropriate.