Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of business progressed through the meetings which have met since the last Authority Meeting.
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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 28 November 2024
Date : 28 November 2024
Location : The Grand Hall, Merchants House, 7 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1BA
Revised Model of Policing Oversight Group
The meeting on the 15 October 2024 was chaired by the Authority Vice Chair, Fiona McQueen. A representative from HMICS was in attendance.
Future Governance and Oversight of the Revised Model for Policing and delivery of the 3-Year Business Plan
Reflections on the work of the Group and priorities for future oversight
Members considered a report from Chief Executive Lynn Brown on the future governance and oversight of the Revised Model for Policing, and delivery of the 3 Year Business Plan. The report recommended that following approval in September 2024 of Police Scotland’s 3-Year Business Plan, governance and oversight should be mainstreamed into the Authority’s Board and Committee business and the Oversight Group stood down.
Future SPA governance and oversight arrangements were considered as follows:
Primary reporting on delivery of Business Plan milestones and the Vision would be considered at Policing Performance Committee;
Detailed reporting on workforce, resourcing and finance, and risk, would be considered at the People Committee; Resources Committee; and Audit Risk and Assurance Committee respectively;
Police Scotland should report on progress in public at Authority meetings at least twice a year, to ensure transparency and a strategic overview of progress;
The Revised Model Oversight Group should be stood down.
Oversight Group Members discussed and endorsed these proposals. A report seeking Board Members’ approval to stand down the Revised Model for Policing Oversight Group and approve the governance and oversight arrangements set out above, is appended to this month’s Chair’s Report.
Members considered Police Scotland’s reporting on priorities across leadership and culture; internal governance and reporting; alignment across strategic plans; capacity and capability; ongoing communications and engagement; and co-ordination and tracking of progress across layers of activity.
Members highlighted high priority areas of risk relating to funding, and ensuring the right staff skills and resource are available to deliver the plan. They emphasised the importance of bringing down significant risks to within appetite and tolerance levels and reporting all strategic risks through ARAC.
Police Scotland provided assurance that risks have been mapped across the service, and internal governance processes strengthened. Any areas of non-delivery are reported to a Police Scotland Performance Board. A new Police Scotland People Board has been established, and its work will inform reports to People Committee.
Business Plan milestones and progress on delivering the Vision are being integrated into the next update of the Policing Performance Framework. Communications toolkits have been supplied to local teams; the Vision is being integrated into the service’s key messages; and a further round of stakeholder engagement is being planned for the six-month stage.
There are no outstanding actions from the work of the Oversight Group.
Members thanked Police Scotland for their work to develop and deliver the Business Plan at pace.
Members agreed that the work of the Oversight Group had reached a natural conclusion and endorsed the Chief Executive’s proposals to mainstream future governance and oversight through the Authority’s Committee and Board meetings.