Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of business progressed through the meetings which have met since the last Authority Meeting.
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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 28 November 2024
Date : 28 November 2024
Location : The Grand Hall, Merchants House, 7 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1BA
Forensic Services Committee
The formal minute of the public items of business will be available at the meeting scheduled for 3 February 2025. This will also be published on the SPA’s website. A full recording of the public items of business taken at this meeting can be accessed at Forensic Services Committee – 28th October 2024
Forensic Services Directors Report
Forensic Services performance Report Q2
Forensic Services Financial Monitoring Q2
Drug Driving
HMICS Assurance Review of Forensic Toxicology Provision – Improvement Plan and Timeline for Delivery
Forensic Services Change Programme
Operational and Strategic Risk
Forensic Services Directors Report
Members were updated on the delay on the delivery of the Strategic Workforce Plan (SWP) and were advised that the service requires Police Scotland to clearly articulate their long-term demand for forensic science to support this work. Members were assured that the demand forecasting work is ongoing, with a short life working group established to progress the work. Members noted their concerns in relation to slippage, however acknowledged the need for this to be a dynamic piece of work. A further update will be provided at the next meeting. Members welcomed a positive update following the BDO audit on forensic services performance and were advised that work to progress findings will be reported through Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee. The Director advised members that results from both Your Voice Matters and INvolve surveys will be reported to the February committee meeting. Members were also provided with an update on a recent concern raised directly with the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) about the use of Fast Blue B which is a chemical used within laboratories and at crime scenes by Forensic Services staff. Members have been advised that there is a need to strengthen the internal reporting and governance structures within FS to avoid this happening again, therefore the intention is to bring in an external organisation to support that training for all levels.
Forensic Services performance Report Q2
Members welcomed improved performance and thanked staff within FS. It was noted that UKAS assessments are due to commence in November 2024 and members have been advised that one area requires further discussion between PS, FS, PIRC and COPFS to progress compliance.
Members were provided with an update on training within firearms to improve output and were assured that there is no significant risk in laboratory performance in terms of statutory time limit. Delays being reported are due to high volume areas of the service (drugs, volume crime and DNA) and it is hoped this will be improved as part of the long-term investment within the new operating model. Members sought clarity on when the committee would have sight of cost per case benchmarking. The Director noted difficulties in obtaining data, however, agreed with the need to achieve it and has agreed bring an outline report to the February committee on how that would look.
Drug Driving
Members expressed concerns in relation to the late submission of samples from Police Scotland, noting that 6 months as an unacceptable time to hold a sample back. HMICS shared the same concerns and noted the need for radical action to be taken in this area. Members sought detail on the Long-Term Sustainable model work, covering criteria for realistic financial scenario planning options and timelines for delivery which engages all stakeholders. Members were advised that the timeline for development is agreed, and an agreed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) will be in place for 30th November in line with the planned reintroduction of the 6-month timeline.
Financial Monitoring Report Q2
Members were provided with an updated position at the end of Q2 and plans to deliver budgeted establishment by the end of the financial year. Members asked for further detail around delivery of efficiency targets for the remainder of the year and how this would inform stable budgeting forecasts for 2025/26. The Director clarified that the SWP detail is not factored into work at present as there is a requirement for clarity around the budget available first, however issues around H&S are included in budget assumptions with some in year investment secured to deliver training as referenced.
HMICS Assurance Review of Forensic Toxicology Provision – Improvement Plan and Timeline for Delivery
Following an overview of progress, HMICS noted their satisfaction with and support for the progress being made, noted that the focus is on the Long-Term Sustainable Model and resultant budget implications. They highlighted concerns around both single scientist reports and the transporting of samples.
In relation to a question on slippage to delivery of the core operating system, HMICS noted concerns however recognise that the service is limited by capability and IT support within PS. HMICS believe that this is in area for the SPA Board to consider in relation to how funding is apportioned going forward.
Forensic Services Change Programme Update
Members were provided with an update on progress against the Forensic Services Change Programme and were provided with assurances in relation to resource analysis and search & recovery capabilities, which are not technical roles, but more people management roles. Members look forward to receiving future developed reports following discussions at committee level.
Strategic and Operational Risk
Members were provided with the opportunity to review FS Operational and Strategic Risks.
Members to receive and outline report on benchmarking, detailing what areas cost to deliver to the next committee meeting.
Members to receive a Strategic Workforce Plan Update
Members to receive the output of both Your Voice Matters and INvolve surveys to the next committee meeting