Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of business progressed through the meetings which have met since the last Authority Meeting.
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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 28 November 2024
Date : 28 November 2024
Location : The Grand Hall, Merchants House, 7 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1BA
Complaints and Conduct Committee
The formal minute of the public items of business will be available at the meeting scheduled for Complaints & Conduct Committee. This will also be published on the SPA’s website. A full recording of the public items of business taken at this meeting can be accessed at: Complaints and Conduct Committee – 14th November 2024
Police Scotland PSD Quarterly Performance Report (Q2 – 24/25)
SPA Quarterly Report (Q2 – 24/25)
PIRC Annual Report on PS Handling of Complaints and Investigation Referrals (Q2 – 24/25)
PIRC 6-Stage Process Audit Action & Improvement Plan
HMICS Vetting Review Action Plan Progress Report
2023-24 Committee Annual Report
Police Scotland PSD Quarterly Performance Report
Members received an overview of Police Scotland’s performance in relation to complaints and conduct matters for the period 1 April 2024 – 30 September 2024. Members sought assurance on the level of confidence that Polce Scotland (PS) has in the quality of investigation into allegations of discriminatory behaviour and the feedback received from complainers who are advised their complaint is not upheld. Professional Standards Department (PSD) have committed to linking in with Policing Together colleagues and will update the committee on this area, ensuring clear data linkages around user satisfaction, complaints and protected characteristics. It is hoped this will provide members with a clearer understanding of what is being recorded, particularly during stop and search and vehicle stops. Members have also requested that SPA dip sampling specifically looks at complaints containing discriminatory behaviour allegations to provide members with an extra layer of assurance. Members sought clarity around additional resource being brought into PSD and were advised that the nature of business has changed in the past two years and the recent uplift in staff is required to address these challenges and provide a more sustainable model for the future. Members are hoping to see a positive impact from the new resource in the next 6 months.
SPA Quarterly Report (Q2 - 24/25)
Members were provided with a report updating members on complaints and conduct matters including key statistics reflecting the position at the end of Q2, 2024/25. Members were advised of the range of matters which could fall within the definition of a relevant complaint about senior officers.
PIRC Annual Report on PS Handling of Complaints and Referral Investigations
Members were updated on key statistics reflecting Quarter 2 2024/25, including a detailed summary of statistical information in relation to PIRC Complaint Handling Reviews (CHR’s). In addition, members were provided with an overview of statutory referral investigations. Members were assured that the quality of complaint handling was not diminishing and, although the data has not improved compared to two years ago, there are improvements over the past year.
PIRC 6-Stage Process Audit Action & Improvement Plan
Members welcomed a positive report on progress against recommendations from the PIRC audit of Police Scotland’s compliance with the 6-stage complaint handling process. Members were advised that PSD continue to see an increase in complaints and were assured around steps being taken as part of Operation Glade to address these matters. Members were provided with more detail in relation to additional resource being brought into PSD and assured that members will see an impact. Members have however asked for an update on the progress of the additional resource to the February committee.
HMICS Vetting Review Action Plan Progress Report
Members received an update on the progress being made in relation to Police Scotland’s Improvement Plan to address the recommendations contained within the recent HMICS Assurance review of vetting policy and procedures within Police Scotland report, published on 03 October 2023. PS assured members that HMICS are content with the progress being made and that there is ongoing dialogue with them.
2023-24 Committee Annual Report
Members noted the publication of the 2023-24 Committee-specific Annual Report, this year setting out additional information, beyond complaints, in respect of wider matters considered by the Committee, particularly in relation to officer misconduct. The report also noted high-level information included in the 2023-24 SPA Annual Report pertaining to the business of the Committee, including a statement on the suitability of Police Scotland complaint handling.
Police Scotland Conduct Report
Police Scotland Ongoing Non-Criminal Complaints
Police (Ethics, Conduct & Scrutiny) (Scotland) Bill Update
SPA Ongoing Complaints Update
Members AGREED that PSD should link in with Policing Together colleagues and report back to the committee on the level of investigation in relation to allegation outcomes for discriminatory behaviour.
Members AGREED that PSD staff should link in with SPA staff to take forward dip sampling activity in relation to complaints containing discriminatory behaviour allegations to ensure an extra level of assurance in this area.
Members AGREED that the committee require more information and data in relation to reasons for dissatisfaction to provide members with a fuller picture. In addition, members AGREED the need to understand how the new resource is impacting on dissatisfaction to identify trends on a 6 monthly/annual basis, with an update due to the February committee.