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HMICS thematic review

His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) undertook a thematic review of policing Mental Health in Scotland, published in October 2023, which assessed the state, efficiency, and effectiveness of Police Scotland’s provision of mental health related policing services. The review looked at:

  • How well-prepared Police Scotland is to meet the needs of people experiencing poor mental health.
  • Whether the police response to mental health related demand affects the efficiency and effectiveness of the organisation in delivering other policing services
  • Whether the organisation understands the demand associated with the provision of mental health relate policing services
  • The effectiveness of the force’s collaborative working arrangements on the provision of mental health related policing services
  • The impact that the involvement of the police has on the person who is experiencing poor mental health.

The report makes fourteen recommendations, and supporting areas for development, across Police Scotland, the SPA and Scottish Government. The recommendations focus on the whole system response required to mental ill health and distress, the need for clear strategic intent in relation to the policing response, improved data and insights as well as clarity around training for officers and staff.  An improvement plan, detailing actions across all recommendations will be reported to Policing Performance Committee on a six-monthly basis.


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HMICS Thematic review of policing Mental Health in Scotland