Report Summary
This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) seeks to provide a guide to early and effective identification, and appropriate engagement, between the Scottish Police Authority and Police Scotland when it is considering a new and emerging strategy, policy or practice to improve the safety and wellbeing of persons, localities and communities in Scotland, and which are likely to be of significant public interest.
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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 23 May 2024
Date : 23 May 2024
Location : The Grand Hall, Merchants House, 7 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1BA
Stages of the Memorandum of Understanding
The following stages should form part of the process arising from the approach described in this Joint Memorandum of Understanding. These stages are purposefully not over-described, to ensure that the MOU facilitates a meaningful focus on the issue and its identified public purpose, the associated benefits and risks, understanding its impact through an early public conversation and discussion, and using all of this information to transparently address the views of the public, key partners and stakeholders.
The stages are as follows;
Identification and Assessment
Develop a short description of the issue and a description of the clear and defined purpose to improve the safety and well-being of persons, localities and communities in Scotland.
An assessment of whether and how it meets the remit of this MOU (particularly in terms of public import and impact).
Should it be assessed that the brief does not meet the remit of the MOU, a written rationale will be recorded and retained.
An outline of clear timelines for proposed implementation.
There should be a strong emphasis, whether instigated by Police Scotland or the SPA, on (a) the early identification of issues connected to public/political/partner confidence, (b) an outline of the key ethical, privacy or human rights considerations, and (c) other associated risks.
Communication, Engagement and Delivery
The Police Scotland Lead, and SPA Joint Lead where appointed, should consider the following;
If appropriate, set out shared outcomes for the issue.
Agree a critical path, to ensure that the development and testing of the issue is subject to regular oversight and discussion in both the SPA and Police Scotland governance and assurance fora.
Agree a plan to use existing bodies (for example, Police Scotland Ethics Panels or existing Local Authority or COSLA advisory or scrutiny mechanisms) to test any ethical, privacy and any human rights, and wider public or partner confidence issues associated the issue.
Develop an engagement plan for the issue, to include communications and stakeholder management, to ensure (a) a full and transparent discussion of the issue, and (b) the most informed decision-making on next steps/approval. Early consideration should be given to the use of public surveys, and convening interest or focus groups to promote debate and understanding of the issue.
Ensure that the engagement and communications process includes Staff Association and Trade Union views on the issue.
Where at all possible, use best practice/available evidence from other jurisdictions and sectors, engaging academic partners where appropriate.
Consider the appropriateness and value of a test deployment, and formal external or internal evaluation prior to full implementation.
Plan to establish a baseline and post implementation review process to produce, within a reasonable time, a short Post-Implementation Report on impact evaluation, delivered or projected benefits and any wider organisational learning.
The Joint MOU will be reviewed initially on a six-monthly basis, and approached as an iterative process to maximise public engagement and support.