Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of how the Estates Masterplan has been developed, the strategic priorities for the estate, and an outline 10-year capital programme of estates modernisation to support the revised model of policing, in line with the Business Plan, and Police Scotland 2030 vision.
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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 26 September 2024
Date : 26 September 2024
Location : Caledonian Suite, COSLA, Verity House, 19 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh, EH12 5BH
There are no direct financial implications in this report. However, the report sets out the need for of £500m of capital investment in the Police estate over the next 10 years. At current spending levels of £22m per year (£220m over 10 years), this would mean a funding shortfall of £280m over the 10 years.
The outline programme identifies potential capital receipts of £80m over the period which offset against the funding requirement, leads to a net capital requirement of £200m over 10 years.
If the SPA/Police Scotland were able to borrow £200m over the 10 years to meet the shortfall, it could be afforded through the reduced annual running costs of the estate resulting from a smaller more efficient estate that meets future needs.
There are no direct personnel implications in this report. Pending positive discussions in relation to the Masterplan strategy, an implementation programme will be developed in the autumn. Depending upon the levels of funding secured, this will dictate the shape and size of the implementation programme, and therefore the associated resource implications required to deliver this.
As part of the stakeholder engagement process in relation to the development of the Estates Masterplan, a series of initial engagement sessions to outline the high-level strategy either have, or are due to, take place during August – early October 2024. These include engagement sessions with senior leaders across Police Scotland, members of the Estates service, staff associations and trade unions, and representatives of COSLA etc.
As the Estates Masterplan implementation programme is developed through the autumn, these engagement sessions will continue, and as specific projects are identified for delivery (subject to available funding) all appropriate specific officer, staff, and public consultations will take place in accordance with the relevant policies and procedures.