Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of relevant reports from the People Committee in relation to workforce data, wellbeing, health and safety and equality diversity and inclusion.
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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 27 June 2024
Date : 27 June 2024
Location : Caledonian Suite, COSLA, Verity House, 19 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh, EH12 5BH
Workforce Data
The first iteration of Workforce Dashboards (Appendix A) have been developed with the key focus of aligning relevant measures to the People Strategy objectives and SWP outcomes.
Compared to previous reporting this approach places greater focus on outcome focused analysis and insight and will ensure the ability to report and track progress and impact.
As part of an iterative approach to improvement the key next steps are to ensure full alignment between the dashboards and workforce metrics contained within the Performance Framework and to seek to address system related gaps/barriers preventing effective and efficient outcome focused measurement and reporting.
The following key insights were highlighted to the People Committee on 30 May 2023:
• Working days lost to absence remains higher than pre-COVID levels at 6.1% (up from 5.1% in 2018/19)
• Psychological absences continue to rise for officers and staff
• The Your Leadership Matters’ programme is receiving positive feedback. While it is too early to assess the impact fully, key indicators will be monitored.
• Abstractions from duty have slightly increased and are expected to rise further due to changes in annual leave entitlement and training commitments.
• There has been an increase in officers requiring duty modifications, which while not directly affecting availability, raises concerns about overall resilience.
• Efforts to reduce TOIL and Re-Rostered Rest Day banks have been successful, but this has impacted officer availability.
• The reduction in workforce numbers, increased abstractions, and reduced overtime have added pressure on the remaining staff and officers.
• There was a clear increase in officer and staff resignations in 2023/24, though no clear pattern for the cause has emerged. Factors include lack of resources, job satisfaction, development opportunities and personal reasons.
• Overall turnover has decreased from the previous year’s high, as a result of retirements influenced by changes to pension entitlements. Turnover remains below levels seen in other UK police services.
• Training attendance and completion rates remain high at around 90% for all employees. The slight reduction from the previous year is due to fewer probationer training sessions following a recruitment hold in January 2024.