Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of headline results from Police Scotland’s refreshed 2024 workforce survey.
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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 28 November 2024
Date : 28 November 2024
Location : The Grand Hall, Merchants House, 7 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1BA
Our 2030 vision for Police Scotland is of an organisation focused on safer communities, less crime, supported victims, and a thriving workforce. The voice of our officers and staff is critical to the successful delivery of our 2030 vision. A refreshed workforce survey was commissioned earlier this year to ensure that our officers and staff are heard and continue to help shape genuine change across the Service.
Our refreshed annual workforce survey provides a baseline for measuring the impact of change. The refreshed survey was designed and tested with key stakeholders and colleagues, informed by current and emerging best practice and aligned to our strategic priorities.
The survey approach aimed to:
Increase participation levels on our 2021 survey, which was 31%.
Provide a baseline to track progress with clear measures and outcomes – aligned to our three-year business plan and people strategy.
Provide quantitative and qualitative data for action-focused insights at a divisional level.
The survey opened on 1 July 2024 for a period of eight weeks. In total, 11,424 responses were received which is an overall response rate of 51%. This is an increase of twenty percentage points on our 2021 survey.
Headline results at a glance
The overall engagement index score was 57% (determined by the average agreement of respondents across six themes). Engagement themes include our organisation, culture, leaders (first line managers and senior management teams), role, team, and wellbeing.
There were high levels of agreement on the following:
How colleagues feel about their team – particularly around teamwork, collaboration and support, despite not feeling there is sufficient people resource.
There were mixed levels of agreement indicating opportunities for improvement include:
Our culture – positive scores on most aspects with the exception of colleagues feeling able to express themselves openly, feelings of belonging and collaboration with other teams.
Supervisors/first line managers - score high particularly on communicating regularly, making time for individuals and creating positive environments. Although, providing structured time is challenging and seeking feedback from team members can be improved.
Role – Most colleagues say they feel trusted to do their job and how to access wellbeing support. Areas with moderate scores include access to training, physical work environment and flexible working. Areas for improvement include colleague recognition for the work they do and supporting colleagues to feel valued and ensuring that there are clear development paths.
Our organisation – there is scope to improve communication with the workforce and to demonstrate that we listen and respond to the colleague voice.
On wellbeing and feeling safe at work:
Feeling safe and protected at work scores high for over two thirds of colleagues.
The majority say they have the correct access to appropriate uniform and access to digital/tech needed to do their job.
The majority say they receive wellbeing support from their supervisor/line manager and to a lesser extent were able to talk about how they’re feeling with a colleague.
Only around 1 in 2 colleagues say they get the breaks they need, and support to rest and recharge from the demands of their role. Fewer colleagues said they were able to reflect on the impact their role could have on them.
Around 1 in 5 colleagues say they have personally experienced some form of harassment, bullying or discrimination or been a witness/aware of these behaviours in the workplace in the past 12 months. Just over half say they reported to their supervisor, manager or peers rather than using formal channels.
More than 1 in 2 colleagues say they have been assaulted or verbally abused by the public in the past 12 months. Almost two thirds reported it.
Two fifths of respondents would recommend Police Scotland as an employer to friends and family.
The headlines summary is captured within Appendices A and B.
Next steps and key considerations
Our focus now moves to alignment of emerging insights and areas for development & improvement with Vision 2030 and our three-year business plan. This work will also inform Divisional People Plans.
Senior leaders will be asked to visibly lead the cascade of results and next steps on improvement activity to their teams throughout December.
Senior management teams will be supported by People & Development and Research & Insight teams in understanding and responding to insights – including a co-design approach with their people to prioritise areas for improvement together.