Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy.
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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 23 March 2023
Date : 23 March 2023
Location : COSLA, Edinburgh
The Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy (‘VAWG’) is part of Police Scotland’s strategic framework, aligned to our Joint Strategy for Policing and our strategic outcomes.
The strategy and plan set out our approach to challenging VAWG, recognising work already underway and what will be required to deliver it. The strategy is aligned to a number of existing workstreams including the Joint Strategy for Policing (2020): Policing for a Safe, Protected and Resilient Scotland, Policing Together: Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, the Misogyny and Sexism Short Life Working Group and the development of our Human Rights Framework.
The VAWG Strategy aims to drive change through the development of effective prevention strategies, the pursuit of perpetrators and the creation of safe spaces for everyone to live freely and safely. The four strategic outcomes include:
Supporting women and girls
Preventing harm and securing justice
Creating safe spaces
Trust and confidence