Report Summary
This document outlines the terms of reference, purpose and scope of the Authority's Exceptional Circumstances Committee.
The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 28 November 2024
Date : 28 November 2024
Location : The Grand Hall, Merchants House, 7 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1BA
Purpose and scope
The purpose of this committee is to deal with urgent business of the Board, Committees and Sub-Committees when, in exceptional circumstances, it is not practicable for an ordinary meeting or special meeting of the Board, Committee or Sub-Committee to be convened.
Meetings will be used to consider and deal with the urgent business when it is necessary for the fulfilment of the Authority’s functions. The Committee is authorised to perform all of the Authority’s functions when in exceptional circumstances it is not practical for an ordinary meeting or special meeting to be convened.