Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of business progressed through meetings which have met since the last Authority Meeting.
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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 21 March 2024
Date : 21 March 2024
Location : Caledonian Suite, COSLA, Verity House, 19 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh, EH12 5BH
Police Negotiating Board Scotland
Since the previous update to the 30 November 2023 Authority meeting the PNBS met on 14 February 2024. The main focus of the meeting related to
• the independent research agreed as part of the police officer pay deal for 2023/24
• the development of a PNBS Operations Guide
Independent Research
The police officer pay deal for 2023/24 resulted in an agreement to commission an independent review/review into police officer pay and benefits. The agreement confirmed there would be two elements:
• Wage Growth (Stage One): consideration of benefits and risks and possible mechanisms to ensure appropriate wage growth within policing going forward from 2025/26
• Pay and Benefits (Stage Two): to fully consider the unique nature of the officer role in society with both sides having the opportunity to directly feed in views as to:
o Key strategic principles that would inform such a review/research
o Relevant comparators/factors that should be taken into consideration
The key purpose and outcome of the research will be to provide a shared evidence-base to support collaborative working with regards to future pay and benefits negotiations.
The priority area of research relates to wage growth to inform 2025/26 pay negotiations with the aim being to have the wider research completed in advance of 2026/27.
A Request for Information was submitted on the Public Contracts Scotland website in early 2024, which provided useful feedback to inform the formal tender document. It also identified there will likely be significant interest with 19 organisations registering an interest. The formal tender will shortly progress and the work is on track to deliver Stage One to then inform 2025/2026 pay negotiations.
PNBS Guide
A PNBS Review Group was established in November 2023. This group has collaboratively worked to establish a PNBS Operations Guide to support the creation of PNBS. This will ensure the newly established PNBS Constitution is supported by a practical guide that clearly sets out working practices.
New and improved ways of working were piloted at the PNBS in February 2024 and it is anticipated the new PNBS Operations Guide will be circulated in the coming weeks. It is anticipated that this will greatly improve and simplify the induction process for any new SPA member joining the PNBS.
The SPCF meets on 19 March 2024 where the focus of discussion will be:
• considering potential regulatory implications associated with HMICS recommendations in relation to vetting
• policing mental health
• providing a progress update on a regulatory review of Ill Health Retirement and Injury on Duty